
664 posts 16 followers 2 following

being in your early twenties is like [grocery shopping alone] [having instant noodles for dinner] [remembering random details about that one friend you haven’t spoken to in five years] [feeling overwhelming guilt for every purchase that isn’t strictly “necessary”] [having midday naps] [finding out through facebook that the girl who was mean to you in high school has a husband and a baby] [falling a little in love with every stranger on public transport] [pretending you’re not afraid of being alone] [wondering when you’ll feel like a fully realized person] [listening to bands you liked in middle school] [blinking and it’s suddenly december] [failing to imagine yourself ten years from now] [feeling like you’re running out of time]

Reposted from skydelan

i no longer want to be a person raised in darkness who stays in darkness out of comfort, reflecting hurt, loss, and insecurity in everything that i touch. 

i want to bring light to this world in any way that i can, to be the light that i needed years ago. 

i want to unashamedly, irrevocably, and gently live in the light of a long-awaited sun. 

Reposted from skydelan

Kiedy czujesz się dobrze, kreujesz to, czego pragniesz. Kiedy czujesz się źle, kreujesz to, czego pragniesz uniknąć.

Reposted from myfuckingreality via skydelan